Energy Portfolio Analysis
Energy costs are complicated, and it takes more time than ever to get it right.
The fine print on contracts can make or break an otherwise attractive offer. And managing ever-changing and increasing regulatory costs is only getting more complicated.
The complexity of today's energy market demands a comprehensive understanding of industry strategies, constant monitoring, and intelligent decision making.
As consultants we provide ongoing critical review, analysis, and reporting of energy costs and consumption, including budgeting and variance analysis.
A La Carte Energy Help
Something else on your mind?
From time to time, other energy needs or challenges may pop-up.
Whether it's an unusually large water and sewer bill, upgrading to a more efficient boiler, erroneous estimated utility meter readings, frustration with your utility's customer service department, taking a deeper dive into your energy consumption, making sure you're correctly billed by your utility and supplier, or anything else energy-related, Hawkeye will help. We'll free up your time, save you money, and help you meet your sustainability goals.